
Baby Tree Forest a celebration of life

April 28, 2016   ·   0 Comments

Normally when you see a person’s name on a plaque, it’s an indicator that they are no longer here. But in the Baby Tree Forest at Orangeville’s Kin Park, a baby’s name on a plaque is a celebration of a new life.

Every year for the past nine years, the Orangeville Sustainability Action Team (OSAT) in partnership with the Town, has planted a tree in the park with the names of babies born in the previous year.

Last Sunday, April 24, there was a dedication ceremony to celebrate 13 new babies that were born in 2015. Trees had been planted and a plaque with each baby’s name was unveiled.

Donations are given to fund the cost of the new trees in the babies’ names and the Parks Department sources and plants the trees.

“It’s a celebration of life,” explained Orangeville Councillor and OSAT chair Sylvia Bradley. “The program was started nine years ago and the trees grow at the same time as the children. Some people return here every year to have their picture taken with the trees. They can see how they both grow.”

This year’s babies ranged in age from from over a year to those born in January 2015, to the newest members of the club at only a few months old being born late in the the year.

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