March 16, 2018 · 0 Comments
By Mike Pickford
An Orangeville man is aiming to bring a taste of the Mediterranean to the local community through batches of rich, imported, authentic Greek oregano.
The brainchild of local Web developer Ian Scott, KirIan Greek Oregano has been launched in recent months. The company specializes in importing oregano from Greece. After taking in a vacation in Athens last September, Mr. Scott brought back batches of herbs and spices from the eastern European nation. After sharing it with friends and family, he immediately realized the potential of starting up his own business.
“I discovered that true Greek oregano had a bold taste and aroma that I’ve never had with any oregano I’ve purchased in Canada,” Mr. Scott said. “The oregano in Greece was so amazing, that I brought back several kilos meant for personal use. But then I provided small samples to others who were curious and the reaction was nothing short of amazing.”
The difference between Greek oregano and the oregano you would typically find on the shelf in Canadian stores is vast, according to Mr. Scott. Oregano is best grown in hot, dry climates, like Greece’s. He mentioned the herb also seems to flourish in soil with heavy traces of limestone. Traditionally, the oregano we purchase here in Canada is imported from places such as India and Turkey.
“For some reason, the climate in Greece just lends itself perfectly to the growth of quality oregano,” Mr. Scott said.
Mr. Scott revealed he has partnered up with a Greek national in the venture – Kiriaki Iordanou. He met Ms. Iordanou online several years ago and was visiting her when he first stumbled upon Greek oregano. Since that time, the pair have traveled through many parts of Greece to find the highest quality oregano, sampling over 100 samples from the 2017 harvest.
After some months of planning, research and package design, KirIan Greek Oregano is now available in Canada. Interested parties can visit kiriangoods.com and purchase oregano in 20-gram and 60-gram packages at a cost of $9.49 and $18.49 respectively.
“It’s been a really fun few months – first coming up with the idea, then identifying which oregano harvest to use. I can’t believe we’re here today, ready to sell,” Mr. Scott said. “It was really important to us to ensure our product was the best available in the commercial market. Our products will always be of the highest quality and produced in a way that does not damage the environment.”
He concluded, “Oregano is a really great herb. It can be used on practically anything and has its own awesome, unique taste. I guarantee that anyone who tries this authentic Greek oregano will immediately taste and smell the difference to the types of oregano you can buy in Canada. Give it a try. You won’t regret it.”
For more information, contact Ian Scott at ian@kiriangoods.com.