September 16, 2015 · 0 Comments
Further to your recent editorial regarding the traffic hazards on the Mono-Amaranth Town Line, please refer to my letter of September 03, 2013, which I addressed to the Town of Mono, Town of Amaranth, The County of Dufferin and copies to your paper. In that letter, we referred to the five accidents at that intersection of the Mono-Amaranth Town Line and the 20th Side Road, in the summer of 2013. We suggested, safety measures be enacted as possibly a four way stop or caution light above the intersection as at the Camilla Highway 10 intersection. Due to lack of action, another accident occurred on Monday, August 24th and a Mr. R. Lloyd Cramm was transported from the scene via ambulance. Sadly Mr. Cramm passed away on Tuesday, August 25, 2015!
With sincere regrets,
William H. Hammond
Attention: Ms. Laura Ryan – Warden
We wish to draw attention to the intersection of the 20th Side Road and Mono-Amaranth Town Line. The Town Line was paved within the last four years and has become a speed-way and a short-cut to and from Orangeville and Shelburne.
Collisions occurred here on Thursday and Friday evenings, August 29 and 30, 2013. This is the fourth and fifth accidents this summer. We know of at least two during 2012. To our knowledge none to date have been life threat- ening, but vehicle and property damage has been high.
Problems may derive from the six intersections between Highway 109 and Highway 89, of which four of these are four-way stops. Driversperhapsassumethisoneisalsoafour- way, and do not take sufficient care. The 20th is a through road! Our suggestion is to also make this intersection a four-way, or install a caution light such as at the Camilla Highway 10 intersection. At the very least high light the fact that this intersection is a two way?
It also appears strange that there is not an advance warning of the upcoming intersec- tion, when approaching the Town Line from the west?
Please give this problem your immediate attention