May 5, 2022 · 0 Comments
A special piece of art that has been in the community for over 10 years was recently relocated.
Project Angel Group successfully relocated and reinstalled the wooden angel carving at Forest Lawn Cemetery on Sunday, May 1.
This fixture at the Forest Lawn Cemetery was originally unveiled in September 2012. Due to significant weathering and foundation deterioration, it was necessary to have both restored.
The original carver, Jim Menken provided guidance and his expertise in restoring the Angel carving.
The original carving was supported through the generosity and the matching of funds from Scotiabank. The matching of funds is no longer supported, yet the restoration and reinstallation of the Angel carving including the concrete foundation and other materials have been provided through the generosity of residents and other businesses within the community.
“The presence of the Angel carving has provided peace to many visitors paying their respect to their own loved ones at Forest Lawn,” said Project Angel Group in a recent press release.
The relocation and reinstallation has been moved closer to the resting places of Monique and Daniel Babineau in the St. Peter section of Forest Lawn Cemetery.
The siblings died tragically in 1984.