October 8, 2014 · 0 Comments
I and many of my friends and colleagues would like to know how you intend – as future leaders of our community – to address the critical issue of climate change.
It would be wonderful if you were not just cognizant of this growing threat, but prepared to work with the province, other municipalities, school boards, etc. to create climate change mitigation and adaptation plans as part of your core work.
This coming election shouldn’t be just all about holding the line on taxes; it should be about creating a vision and action plan to create more resilient communities. It should prepare us all for a stormier climate, especially so that today’s kids and grandkids will better be able to handle what is coming. As they grow up, they will have to deal with more extreme rain/wind/snow/ice storms, droughts, and possible floods, etc. as a result of the delayed effects of greenhouse gases that we are emitting into our atmosphere now.
By building more energy efficient public housing and resilient infrastructure (stronger bridges, better culverts, sturdier buildings) we will employ more workers, improve the economy, and give hope to coming generations – in short, create a far more livable community than if we fail to act.
I also encourage you to work hard toward reducing local energy costs. Energy alternatives (wind, solar, etc.) need to be conspicuous on public buildings and in public works projects.
We need an emergency plan, too! People in every community should be aware of what to do and where to go for safe shelter in the event of a serious storm, or extended loss of electrical power.
You are our best hope for moving this province and this country to an enlightened age that will see growing economies using innovative and collaborative new technologies that can save Ontario, Canada and the planet from climate chaos.
Geraldine Walsh
via e-mail
Money better spent elsewhere?
It was rather interesting to read that Grand Valley has purchased land for Industrial growth. I say this because I see that Shelburne and Dundalk have done the same over the past 10 years and what industries have they attracted? What does Grand Valley have that will attract industry their town.
Even Orangeville cannot attract more industry and now Grand Valley has the answer? Many of these towns are commuter towns, and industry has a hard enough time to stay in the towns mentioned. Look at all the closures over the past 10 years in Orangeville and Shelburne.
I hope that Mayor Oosterhof can wave a magic wand that will make this happen. I think the money could be well spent elsewhere.
William Prins
via e-mail
Close the Gap
On Wednesday October 1st, the Friends of Island Lake (FOIL) launched our Close the Gap campaign at the Lion’s Pergola in Island Lake Conservation Area to raise funds for the final 1.6 km of the Island Lake Community Trail.
It was a great event and FOIL would like to thank MPP Sylvia Jones, Mono Mayor Laura Ryan, Orangeville Mayor Rob Adams and all the CVC staff and FOIL members that attended this event. We would particularly like to thank representatives from Run Dufferin, Investors Group and Scotiabank who presented cheques to help get things started. We are confident that additional sizable donations will be coming as this campaign progresses.
We look forward to reporting back to the community as we approach our goal to Close the Gap NOW!
Mike Walker
Funds Development Chair
Friends of Island Lake