November 30, 2018 · 0 Comments
TONIGHT (THURSDAY) is the last night for legal overnight parking on Orangeville’s streets and most town-owned parking lots.
As of 2 a.m. Saturday, the Town’s traffic bylaw goes into force, prohibiting on-street parking between 2 and 7 a.m. from December 1 to March 31 to allow for the streets to be plowed and/or sanded.
However, the Town is offering an overflow winter parking program at Rotary Park and Fendley Park. The entire parking lot at Fendley Park will be available for overflow winter parking while part of the Rotary Park parking lot will be free for parking. Signs have been erected informing users about which area of the parking lot is to be used on which night, allowing the other part to be plowed and sanded.
If history is a good indicator, expect that Orangeville police will be out enforcing the bylaw, and the Town has warned that violations can result in having a vehicle either ticketed or towed.
Residents are also reminded that it is an offence under Town by-laws to park over a sidewalk.