
Alzheimer Society of Dufferin County hires new executive director

February 9, 2018   ·   0 Comments

By Mike Pickford

There has been a changing of the guard at the Alzheimer Society of Dufferin County as the local non-profit organization welcomed a new executive director at the turn of the month.

Lindsay Butcher has been brought in from the society’s sister organization in Peel, where she served as a day program coordinator for eight years. She is replacing Tracey Koskamp-Bergeron, who will be relocating to Timmins to run the Alzheimer Society of Timmins-Porcupine District.

Speaking with the Citizen this week, Ms. Butcher noted her excitement at taking on a leadership role within the agency. Having lived in Orangeville for much of the past decade, she says it was a move that “just made sense.”

“I’m very excited to be here. This is a big job, helping to serve what is a wonderful community in Dufferin County, but it’s one I intend to make the most of,” Ms. Butcher said. “I know I have some very big shoes to fill here, but I’m looking forward to meeting all of our local clients, familiarizing myself with all of our programs and doing whatever I can to serve the needs of the people of Dufferin County.”

Prior to working with the Alhzeimer Society in Peel, Lindsay spent time at the Avalon Care Centre in town, where she served as coordinator of volunteer services. While she has held various positions since entering the field in 2006, the one consistent theme has been ensuring she’s making a difference with and helping the older generation.

“I’ve always had a passion for working with the elderly,” Ms. Butcher said. “I have lived with my grandparents for the majority of my life, and my grandfather has dementia, so I have that personal connection. With my familial connections, this is a field that has always spoken to me.”

She added, “I want to make sure I’m fulfilling in my role to help seniors and to make sure I’m providing them with the opportunity to experience fulfilling activities and fulfilling moments while they still have some sort of awareness.”

Since taking up the position last Thursday (Feb. 1), Lindsay has been shadowing Ms. Koskamp-Bergeron as she seeks to learn all about her duties in her new position. Those duties include the overall management of the chapter, working with its five employees and eight active volunteers to provide necessary services to a client base of more than 430 local families.

There are currently 564,000 Canadians living with some form of dementia. According to the Alzheimer Society of Canada, that number is expected to double by 2033. There are several ways to aid the fight against dementia. Locally, the Alzheimer Society of Dufferin County is in the midst of its Catch the Ace fundraiser – a weekly lottery with draws taking place every Thursday. Tickets can be purchased for $5 at the Orangeville Mall and the Alzheimer Society of Dufferin County building on Centennial Road.

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