February 9, 2017 · 0 Comments
AT A TIME when the United States has slammed its doors to Syrian refugees because its demagogic leader says a terrorist might be in their midst, it was heartening to see the response in Dufferin County to the murderous rampage of a trump supporter in Quebec City.
When we first heard of plans for a vigil in response to the death of six Muslim worshippers we wondered what sort of turnout might be expected, and would have been pleased t hear there were more than a handful in Shelburne’s Trinity United Church Sunday evening.
However, as Marni Walsh reports elsewhere in this week’s Citizen, there were close to 200 on hand for the two vigil services, and in a true sign of solidarity the audience included members of Ontario’s Muslim community.
In fact, the success of the vigil made us wonder why more such didn’t occur elsewhere in this part of Ontario to demonstrate our response to both the massacre and Mr. Trump.