July 13, 2017 · 0 Comments
STARTING TOMORROW, just after the rain ends, Orangeville residents will have their annual opportunity to enjoy a great meal, great entertainment and remember that much of what they’ll spend is going to good causes.
The eighth annual Orangeville Rotary Ribfest will get under way at 4 p.m. tomorrow (Friday), running until 10 p.m. and resuming Saturday (11 a.m.-10 p.m.) and Sunday (11 a.m.-7 p.m.) on the fields behind the Alder Street Recreation Centre.
Food and drinks will be available elsewhere on the field, but most of the attention and line-ups will be at the “six amazing ribbers,” all competing for the eaters’ salivation.
As you probably know, the Ribfest is Rotary’s biggest and most successful fundraiser, with all the proceeds going to worthy projects.
Perhaps lesser known is the fact that while admission to the event is free, donations are welcome, with all that money going to the charitable works.
Interestingly, despite the central location so close to residential areas, the annual event hasn’t led to noise complaints of the sort encountered by similar events out in the Orangeville Fairgrounds – maybe because everyone’s joining in the fun.