
A common desire for improvement

July 23, 2014   ·   0 Comments

Often I am asked to explain how our Government has invested over $4.7 billion new dollars since 2006 to improve Veterans’ benefits and services during a time when departments across the Federal Government are facing reductions. To help illustrate these investments in greater detail, I would like to point out a few key findings from the recently released 2013 Veterans Life After Service study:

•  Our men and women still serving in uniform make on average $70,000 a year which is one third greater           than the average Canadian income

•  The rate of low-income among Veterans is half the rate found in the general population.

• 3 years after leaving the Canadian Armed Forces an injured Veteran’s average income stands at $70,700 a year or $5,891 a month

With a injured Veteran earning $70,000 a year, 3 years after their release, it is clear our policies are having a positive effect; but more can and must be done.

Our focus must remain on those Veterans who are injured in service to Canada and that is why I have asked the Parliamentary Committee to focus their review on how to improve benefits for Veterans; what we can do for Veterans’ families; and how Veterans Affairs delivers the programs in the first place.

The unanimity of the recently released committee report shows a common desire of all members to improve the New Veterans Charter for Veterans and their families. While we undertake the important responsibility it is comforting to know, thanks to Statistics Canada and Veterans Affairs research team, that injured Veterans are receiving solid financial income.

Lest we forget.

Julian Fantino PC, MP

Minister of Veterans Affairs


Destruction of bees


Here we go again, our government protecting cooperate profits at the expense of our future generations!!!

The very chemicals used to improve and protect crops are destroying the bees that the crops depend on to reproduce? These same products have been banned in most countries around the world with good reason. Only our government is dumb enough to pee in the same stream it drinks from to make an extra buck! To some of us it seams just that stupid and obvious. So now they will sit around and see what happens after a few restrictions that may take months or years to be in place. It seems funny when they are giving themselves a raise action is swift and immediate??

This opens the door to genetically altered seeds that do not reproduce naturally. These too are banned in most countries, as it would mean the world’s food supply would depend solely on one company.

We elect these people to guide and protect our very futures; in return they allow destruction of drinking water farmland while trying increasing the population who in turn needs even more food and water??

Parts of China have lost their bees decades ago. In these areas pollen must be collected, then dried, manually redistributed in order to produce fruit. This is ineffective, time consuming and costly. As farmers go out business this fertile farmland is doomed to be a wasteland!!

All these while millions around the world are starving. As I said before to some of us it just doesn’t make any sense.

R. G. Dolson


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