
“Thanks again, from grateful Sweet Adelines”

June 9, 2016   ·   0 Comments

“Random acts of kindness,” “Pay it forward”

. . . these are expressions we hear

often, but are not always fortunate enough to


Well, on Saturday morning, May 14th, 11

members of Orangeville Chorus, Sweet Adelines

had that experience in spades.

In a barn south of Shelburne, we had just

taken part in an early morning photo shoot

for an upcoming “Calendar Girls project” in

conjunction with Orangeville Music Theatre

and Music and Memories. We then went off

in the rain to Barb’s Country Kitchen to have

brunch, warm up with a coffee and talk about

the memories we had just created.

While waiting in line at the restaurant a

pleasant gentleman struck up a conversation

with one of our members and noting that we

seemed to be having so much fun wondered

what had brought us all together that morning.

And so we told him.

We were eventually all seated and he was

on his own at a corner table. He fi nished eating

fi rst and as he was leaving, he stopped by

our table and said “Have a lovely day ladies.

I may not be able to purchase a calendar so

in honour of what you have done I have just

paid for your breakfast.”

We were so surprised, all we could do was

utter our “THANKS” . . . and he was on his


All we know about this kind man is that he

is a physician. We didn’t even have a chance

to get his name. We inquired with the owners

of the restaurant but they did not know him.

All efforts since to locate or identify him have

been unsuccessful.

So we are hoping that somehow this letter

will be seen by him and that can now know

how very thankful and impressed we were

with his “random act of kindness.” We have

all promised to “pay it forward”!

With the crazy world we live in . . . how

wonderful and refreshing it is to have this

kind of an experience. THANKS AGAIN from

some very grateful Sweet Adelines!

Anne Richardson

On behalf of “the Sweet Adeline Calendar


Bill C-16 termed

‘nebulous, reckless’

On behalf of the Institute for Canadian Values

and its 105,000 members and like minded

people across Canada, I wish to express

grave concern over the proposed bill C-16.

We all recognize that those who seek to

change their gender do experience higher

levels of personal diffi culties and are need

of care. To this this end we applaud anyone

who offers assistance for those in need.

However, we believe Bill C-16 will do the


Bill C-16 is so vague, it is unenforceable.

The fluid nature of gender identity is so

nebulous that people can change their gender

identity moment by moment. In that

the Bill seeks to change the Criminal Code

of Canada, people may be sent to prison for

two years over something that is ill-defined,

and indeterminable. One of the defences

included in Section 319 is if the communication

is established to be true. This is

impossible with fluid gender identity.

It is also reckless as the proposed law

will establish universal protection for any

man who wishes to access women’s bathrooms

or girls’ showers with momentary

gender fluidity. Every Member of Parliament

should examine their conscience

over the potential of their vote exposing

women and girls to male genitalia and even

being sexually violated, not by a “transgender”

person but by the sexual predator protected

by Bill C-16.

Dr. Charles McVety

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