September 2, 2015 · 0 Comments
This past summer, completely unaware as I often am of what is happening in town as my mind is on keeping myself afloat with my bed and breakfast here in the country, my next door neighbour contacted me about Theatre Orangeville’s production of Mary Poppins in late July.
Having a young granddaughter whom she felt would enjoy seeing this production; her own granddaughter was part of the young people’s theatre group.
Following that spectacular performance, I was completely overwhelmed by the talent these young performers had, not only in dancing but in their vocal range and acting. And so, with Alice in Wonderland coming up in late August, I purchased another set of tickets. My granddaughter, who is hyper-active, like her father, was entranced and completely absorbed throughout the whole production.
Without singling any one young person out, this production of Alice, using the Kabuki style of theatre, something I was not familiar with, was as stunning as the first production.
The young people’s theatre performances could stand up well anywhere, not just in our town of Orangeville.
The talent, the sets, the costumes, the sheer creativity of these productions left me feeling that not only would grandparents, parents and family enjoy these perfor- mances but anyone interested in creative theatre performances in general. The young director, a local lad, is much to be com- mended as are his cast of performers.
Thank you for providing such a great theatrical experience.
Sandy Small Proudfoot
The Farmer’s Walk, Mono