April 1, 2015 · 0 Comments
As Orangeville councillors continue their attempts to agree on a budget for 2014, the Ontario government released some information that deals with a large part of the problem – staff salaries.
The information came in the form of the government’s 2014 Sunshine List, which contained about 100,000 names of public servants who last year earned at least $100,000.
Despite blame being laid at the feet of arbitrators for an increase in the 2013 list to 34 names, the Town of Orangeville has another six employees listed, bringing the grand total of local Sunshine Listers to 40.
Included in this year’s local list range positions from fire fighters and police officers to Town employees.
Again this year, the local public-sector employer with by far the most names on the Sunshine List was the Upper Grand District School Board, and its top income earner the Director of Education, Martha Rogers, who earned $206,453.76, almost exactly what she was paid in the previous two years.
Next in line were four superintendents of education, who all made more than $150,000. Among the four, Douglas Morrell took in the most at slightly over $168,000 but short of his 2013 earnings of slightly over $172,000.
In all, the Upper Grand portion of the List had 157 names, up from 145 in 2013. Most of them are principals or vice-principals, but there were some elementary and secondary teachers and a few non-teachers.
Topping the list of Town of Orangeville employees with the highest earnings in 2014 were former police chief Joseph Tomei at $167,849.85 and then-CAO Rick Schwarzer at $167,690.88.
Along with Chief Tomei, 17 other members of the Orangeville Police Service made the Sunshine List for 2014 – up from 14 in 2013 – with the lowest earnings going to Constable Jonathan Kennedy at $100,904.48 and the highest to then-Deputy Chief Wayne Kalinski at $141,998.48.
The other 15 officers, and their earnings: Cons. Chris Barlas, $101,063.96; Const. Scott Davis, $107,237.64; Const. Thomas Dellelce, $124,990.05; Sgt, Christopher Dryden, $111,159.50; Sgt. Douglas Fry, $131,861.80; Const. James Giovannetti, $106,641.93; Sgt. Ralph James, $114,863.14; Const. Ryan Kett, $103,491.49; Staff Sgt. Daniel Maloney, $133,158.55; Const. Andrew May, $105,074.63; Const. Jason Moore, $110,989.90; Const. Brian Parkes, $105,613.83; Const. Steven Phillips, $115,840.97, Constable Scott Sutton, $101,230.35; Staff Sgt. Lindsay White, $125,245.66.
At Town Hall, excluding the former CEO, another 12 employees were listed, including: Water Works Operator Stephen Wright, $100,926.69; Supervisor Water Works Seth Wiggins, $135,429.30; Director of Economic Development Planning and Innovation Nancy Tuckett, $116,949.31; Treasurer Brian Parrott, $121,608.51; Operations Manager Jean Marchildon, $115,475.58; Director of Public Works Douglas Jones, $116,949.31; Information Technology Manager, Jason Hall, $109,739.45; Clerk Susan Greatrix, $110,151.27; Human Resources Manager Jennifer Gohn, $107,285.07; Chief Librarian Darla Fraser, $111,940.16; Director Building/Bylaw Vern Douglas, $131,787.07; Facilities Manager Edward Brennan, $120,398.55.
Orangeville’s Fire Department held nine of the 40 spots: Fire Training Officer Bruce Beatty, $104,490.48, 1st Class Fire Fighter Shane Cunningham, $100,588.42; 1st Class Fire Fighter Justin Foreman, $102,120.08; Fire Captain Thomas Gillies, $107,451.24; 1st Class Fire Fighter Del Godin, $142,377.87; Fire Chief Andrew MacIntosh, $131,787.07; Deputy Fire Chief Ronald Morden, $110,831.67; Chief Fire Prevention Officer Frank Myers, $104,490.48; Fire Captain Michael Richardson, $130,827.17.
While last year, some blamed arbitration for the increase in Orangeville’s number of employees on the Sunshine List, this year there has thus far been no speculation as to why there are another six names on the list.
The Sunshine List is released annually, and while it has caused some controversy with the public due to the disclosure of names and salaries, members of our Municipal Government, including former Mayor Rob Adams, have defended the list in the past, citing it as a way to help the public understand where local money is being spent.
For more information on the Sunshine List, or to view the full list, visit www.ontario.ca/government/public-sector-salary-disclosure.