
Dismayed by Seeback’s support for ‘Freedom Convoy’

February 10, 2022   ·   3 Comments

Dear Editor: 

Was dismayed to see that our local MP Kyle Seeback supports the so called “Freedom Convoy” or truckers convoy. On the CBC News tonight the Mayor of Ottawa declared a “state of emergency”, with arrests, ticketing, and so on. To think that our local MP actually visited this 10 day “occupation” of our nation’s capital was very distressing!

This whole operation is for naught as the U.S. border has similar vaccine protocols anyway, so wouldn’t matter what the PM did, things would not change. It has been stated that a lot of the money donated to this operation came from abroad, mainly U.S. together with “hate” flags – Confederate, Swatikas; Proud Boys and “F… Trudeau” signs. This is something we Canadians should be ashamed of, this kind of “hateful” protest does not represent who we are thought of as a nation on the international scene. But with Conservative MP’s “working the crowd” serving coffee and getting their pictures taken with the mob is truly disgusting. If the aim of the Tories is to make the governing party look bad, they did not succeed, but only made their party look bad, and to top it all off, kicking their Leader out at the same time, for shame.

Thank you

Sandra Clarke-Forester


Readers Comments (3)


    I spent the weekend with my family at the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa and was amazed by the peaceful, joyful and patriotic display of protest by thousands of Canadians. It is indeed an enshrined right as citizens of the West to vocally and symbolically object to unjust laws.

    In addition to hearing world-class speakers such as Dr. Julie Ponesse, Dr. Byram Bridle, the Honourable Brian Peckford (N.L.), we also saw among the crowds: volunteers cooking lunch for the truckers and other passersby; hundreds praying and then singing O Canada on Parliament Hill; various individuals picking up litter from the street (which were otherwise very clean).

    We have had a 2-year occupation of our nation by government leaders and unelected officials who have used unjustified “modelling” as the basis of their draconian laws. None of their “models” have ever been correct, but they continue to blast loudly through media headlines, creating unfounded fear and paranoia. This is the true shame in our country. May the truckers – and their courageous stance – prevail.

  2. Katya Sundukova says:

    We fully support our MP Kyle Seeback, who wants to be where his people are, trying to win their freedom from political tyranny. Protest by definition makes us feel uncomfortable – let Trudeau government feel as uncomfortable as we did for the past 2 years of harsh, unnecessary lockdowns : loosing our income as our event business could not operate , loosing our freedom of travel – that was our ‘bridge to normal life ‘ the Prime Minister has been blocking by their mandates. Whoever calls this peaceful, dignified protesters ‘hateful’- obviously haven’t been actually there in Ottawa or talking to any of the Canadiens who stand up for their human rights locally in their towns and provinces. It is time to bring life back on in this country and stop the fear spreading. Thank you, Mr Seeback, I am proud of you!

  3. Ken Bonn says:

    Freedom Convoy was a peaceful protest by tens of thousands of Canadians who are worried about their freedoms being taken away.
    This was about families worried about their jobs and the freedoms being taken away from their children and grandchildren.
    There was no hate involved in this protest. This was about ending these constant lockdowns and mandates and letting people live their lives without government control.
    It is refreshing to see some politicians like Kyle Seeback now standing up and supporting the people of this country.


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