
21st annual Duck Race for Lions

March 24, 2016   ·   0 Comments

Grand Valley Lions are gearing up for the 21st Annual Duck Race, which takes place on May 28, and has already raised $13,577.51 in prizes.

The club says this year has seen more prizes and prize money than in the past years. And there will be lots of free entertainment for the children such as a Bouncy Castle, Duck pond, face painting, play area, pony rides and more.

Tickets for the prizes are now on sale for $5.00 each and only 2,700 tickets will be sold.

The race is set for Saturday, May 28 at 2:00 p.m. sharp, when 2,700 ducks will be dropped into the Grand River by Grand Valley Crane Rentals and the two $1,000 winners of cash sponsored by Grand Valley Wind Farms and Orica Canada will be the first and second ducks entering into the Lions chutes at Hereward Park.

Tickets will be available at the Orangeville Lions Home and Garden Show, to be held at the Orangeville Fairgrounds April 1 to 3, as well as from many merchants in Grand Valley and Orangeville.

The Grand Valley Lions will also host their annual Community Breakfast, from 8 to 11 a.m. at the Community Centre and the Grand Valley Horticultural Society will have their annual plant sale on Amaranth Street East starting at 8 am.

Numerous garage sales in Grand valley and area plus the Anglican Church will have their Spaghetti supper from 5 to 7 at the church.

For more information, go to the Grand Valley Lions Duck race Facebook page

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