
100 Kids Who Care Dufferin to meet at Mel Lloyd Centre

January 10, 2019   ·   0 Comments

By Mike Baker

Following a successful launch back in October, 100 Kids Who Care Dufferin is hoping to maintain the momentum as the organization prepares for its first meeting of the new year. 

Described as a group committed to teaching local youth about the importance of philanthropy and community engagement, 100 Kids Who Care Dufferin will gather for its second ever meeting at the Mel Lloyd Centre in Shelburne on Jan. 27. 

Something of a spin-off from the 100 Women Who Care organizations that have increased in popularity across Ontario over the past few years, the concept centres around the idea of giving back to your community. Proceeds are raised at each event and then donated to one of three charities invited to attend and present information to the group.

At its first event, held at The Maples Academy in Amaranth, 75 youth between the ages of 5 and 18 were on hand to consider presentations made by Parkinson Society, Streams Community Hub and St. Vincent de Paul Society. Following a vote, Parkinson Society was presented with a cheque for $1,000, with an anonymous donor matching that amount, allowing 100 Kids Who Care Dufferin to also present $500 cheques to both Streams Community Hub and the St. Vincent de Paul Society.

The focus of the event, says co-organizer Janet Jones, is to teach children about the importance of giving and having empathy, while also providing a forum to help youth become aware of and contribute to charities in the area.

“It’s one thing to give $10 to a charity that you’re really passionate about, but it’s another to collectively give $1,000 to a charity. It’s about making those small dollars make a big impact,” Ms. Jones previously told the citizen. “Our mission is to bring together young people from our community to learn, engage and make a difference. Through 100 Kids Who Care Dufferin, we hope to open our member’s eyes and hearts to new possibilities in their lives.”

To register, visit During the sign-up process, members are asked to nominate a local charity, with three charities then selected to present at the meeting. The nomination deadline for the upcoming 100 Kids Who Care Dufferin meeting is next Sunday, Jan. 13.

The meeting will take place at the Mel Lloyd Centre in Shelburne on Jan. 27. Doors open at 4:30 p.m., with the meeting itself running from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, contact Christine Hann at, or 1-866-647-1057 ext. 200.

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