
Mono Council reviews drinking water

April 2, 2021   ·   0 Comments

By Peter Richardson, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The annual reports on the drinking water for Cardinal Woods and Island Lake were presented to Mono Council last Tuesday (March 23). Coun. Fred Nix had several questions for Mike Dunmore, Mono’s director of public works, concerning the report.

He first asked how in Cardinal Woods, one sample could show E. coli and coliform results and the next sample did not? Dunmore explained that this was occasionally the result and a reason why multiple test were conducted.

Coun. Nix then questioned the sodium count in Cardinal Woods’ water and wondered if it was caused by the salt being applied to nearby County Road 16. He inquired if this was being looked at on a County level and Mike replied that the County and the MTO have salt application programs and that the answer would likely be that the application is within guidelines. However, he said he would not be against sending letter to request that information citing the high sodium at the well head.

Coun. Nix moved on to Island Lake next and the issue of arsenic. He noted that levels showed one high reading at the well head and another lower reading in the next test. Mike explained this is a product of the testing and chlorination process and is normal.

Overall, the drinking water is indeed completely safe and residents have no need to worry.

Also on Council’s agenda was the revisiting of a light trespass issue at 125/200 Kingfisher Drive. Previously, the Town had opted, on legal advice, to turn this matter to the Condominium Board who has provisions in place to deal with this matter.

As such, the Mayor asked the CAO to communicate this to the resident involved.

Meanwhile, director of Recreation, Kim Heaton reported that the identification of dead Ash trees was underway and some 45 trees are presently identified for removal. She also reported that the Monora Park trails were now open and that the Nordic Ski Club had an excellent season this year with over 1,500 participants. The club also recently donated $500 to the construction of the new washroom at Monora Park.

In terms of summer sports this year, Deputy Mayor John Creelman posed a question about soccer to Heaton. Specifically, if Mono would be running the summer soccer programs once again. The reply was two part. Firstly, the new restrictions were that a maximum of 50 participants would be allowed in the entire league. The program normally accommodates 180 children. Kim suggested that at present they were considering running two leagues, so as to at least accommodate 100 participants.

However, the bigger problem is that they rely on the use of the Upper Grand District School Board’s permission to use the school fields and the board presently does not foresee allowing any use of it’s facilities, either inside or outside the schools.

Deputy Mayor Creelman asked about other venues, such as the fairgrounds? Kim responded that she could approach them, however the cost would not equal the $35 annually that they pay the UGDSB.

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